
venerdì 24 luglio 2015

Experimenting the avocado bread...

I've always been puzzled by those recipes mixing up sweet and salty, or blending ingredients that are usually far apart (at least in my mind). This week I decided to give a chance to the avocado bread, basically a rearrangement of my beloved banana bread. I'm quite sure the recipe is far from being perfect and I'm confident I'll be able to adjust it pretty soon, but I wanted to write down a quick report of my very first attempt.
1 beaten egg
1 ripe avocado (mashed)
2 cups of self-rising flour
3/4 cup of granulated sugar
1 cup of milk
a hint of salt
Preheat the oven to 375F and cover a bread pan with cooking parchment.
Mash the avocado, add the beaten egg and a hint of salt. Stir in the sugar and the flour and conclude adding the flour. Stir until you get a smooth mixture, then pur it into the bread pan. Bake it for 1 hour at 375 F.
PS. 1- Keep in mind the cake is going to be greenish :)
2- If you want to make it tastier, increase the amount of avocados (I'll try with 2 next time)
3- This cake is for avocado lovers only!

Marble banana bread

Hi there!
I've been up to experimenting new recipes in the last few days and here is one of the amazing results: a moist and fluffy marble banana bread.
1 beaten egg
3 ripe bananas mashed
1.5 cups of self rising flour
2/3 cup of granulated sugar
1/2 cup of milk
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
1 table spoon of cocoa powder
a bit of vanilla powder
a touch of salt
Preheat the oven to 375 F.
Beat the egg, mash the bananas, mix together with vanilla powder, salt, sugar. Add the self-rising flour, milk and oil while stiring. Pour half of the mixture into a bread pan covered with cooking parchment. Finally add cocoa powder to the remaining mixture, blend it and pour into the bread pan.
To give an artistic touch to your banana bread use a fork to "draw" waves of cocoa mixture on the plain one (see top picture for a naive example).

PS. As you could see from top picture if you are running out of bread pan you can use a different shape.

mercoledì 8 luglio 2015

Marble water cake (torta all'acqua marmorizzata)

Hi there!
After months of inactivity I'm finally back to my beloved blog and I have a recipe that will make happy all of you who are either struggling with a grumpy stomach (as mine) or dealing with a low-cal diet. The marble water cake is pretty easy and has a ridiculously short ingredient list (i.e. no need to desperately dig into the fridge/kitchen cabinets).
self-rising flour 290 gr
sugar 180 gr
cocoa powder 20 gr (optional)
vegetable oil 70 gr
warm water 350 gr
a hint of salt
a few drops of vanilla extract
Preheat the over to 360 F.
Very easily, mix all the dry ingredients first (apart from cocoa powder), then add the oil and the warm water while steering. Make sure to get a smooth batter before pouring 1/2 of it into a baking pan. Add the cocoa powder to the remaining batter and pour it as well into the pan. Bake for 50 minutes at 360 F (180 C) and let cool down before wolf it down (screw the diet )!!!!!!!! I swear this cake is amazingly soft!

Miao a tutti,
dopo mesi di assenza sono finalmente tornata al mio amato blog e ho qui una ricetta che renderà felici tutti quelli che combattono ogni giorno con uno stomaco capriccioso (come il mio) o sono a dieta. La torta marmorizzata all'acqua e' facilissima da fare ed ha una lista di ingredienti ridicolmente corta che vi eviterà di raschiare il fondo del frigorifero o degli scaffali in cucina.
farina autolievitante 290 gr
zucchero semolato 180 gr
cacao in polvere 20 gr (opzionale)
olio di semi 70 gr
acqua tiepida 350 gr
un pizzico di salte
qualche goccia di estratto di vaniglia (o una bustina di vanillina)
Pre-riscaldare il forno a 180 C. Molto semplicemente, mescolare tutti gli ingredienti secchi tranne il cacao, aggiungere l'olio e l'acqua tiepida continuando a mescolare. Una volta ottenuto un composto omogeneo versarne meta' in una teglia da forno (ricoperta con carta forno), aggiungere il cacao al rimanente e poi versare anche questo nella teglia.
Cuocere in forno caldo a 180 C per 50 minuti (vale sempre la prova dello stuzzicadenti). Mi raccomando di lasciar raffreddare la torta prima di divorarla (in barba alla dieta )... Vi assicuro che e' di una morbidezza impressionante!!!